What is Visual Paradigm ?
Visual Paradigm is a software tool that aids to modal business information systems and thereby manage the development process. It provides main industry based
- modeling languages
- modeling standards such as UML, SysML
- complete tool set required for software development
Above is a brief description about Visual Paradigm and let's talk in detail about its usage and importance
Importance of Visual Paradigm
Knowing the business work flow and how the business operates from business analyst to the stakeholder in a particular business is an priority factor towards the development of that business.
BPMN (Businesss Process Modal and Notation) is a standard that will provide businesses with the capability of understanding their internal business procedures in a graphical notation. It also enables the organizations to communicate their procedures in standard manner.
This standard is supported by Visual Paradigm.
Other than the above standard below are poplar modeling languages supported by Visual Paradigm.
UML (Unified Modeling Language) is the standard notation for modeling real world objects.That is essential in object oriented design approaches.
SysML (Systems Modeling Language) is a dialect of UML. Especifically
supports the specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of a broad range of systems and systems-of-systems
SoaML(Service Oriented Modeling Language)
Another outstanding feature of Visual Paradigm is its multi-language support ncluding English (default), German, Polish, Spanish, French, Czech, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. This enables a multilingual team to develop a software peacefully.
Facility is provided in Visual Paradigm to develop your own modal with your own notations, add your own model validation rules, produce document by extracting data you need, etc.
To design a database in Visual Paradigm