
Saturday, September 17, 2016


What is Screen Casting... ?


        You might be aware of what is a "Screen Shot". It is a single picture of the screen of your computer.

        But in contrast to it "Screen Casting" is a digital video recording that captures actions taking place on a computer desktop. Screen casting normally contains voice over narration. 

        Thus it becomes a very useful methodology and a procedure in many scenarios to gain higher productivity. Following lists some common and useful instances of screen casting.

1.  To provide answers to some common asked questions of your employers
2. To hire the companys' new hires effectively and free up your time.
3. It is a very productive method to make a software or a product demo
4. To provide clear feedback
5. To create video tutorials

Have you ever wondered how to do this... ?? that is... how to show what's clearly happening on your computer screen...?  Thanks to Screencasting Software  anybody can do it now.

 There are a plenty of screen casting tools. Below lists few

 1.  Adobe Captive
                 -  quite expensive
                 - it takes longer time to work with this tool
                 - not advisable for beginners

2. Camtasia Studio
                 - not free
                 - but a powerful PC only software
                 - not recommanded for beginners

3.   Screenr
                  - web based, java tool, thus no installation
                  - need internet connection
                  - slow to use
                  - it doesn't let webcam to record

4. Jing
                  - same as Screenr
                  - only publishes videos in .swf format
                  - produced .swf videos cannot be converted to mp4 even with file-conversoin utilities

5. SnagIt
                  - overcome the frustrations of Jing
                  - can record for as long as you want
6. Screemcast-O-Matic(SOM)
                   - free
                   - ease of use
                   - records your webcam as well as your screen
                   - Java applet  available which needs no implementation

Friday, September 9, 2016

Configuring Tomcat For SSL

Tomcat is a Web Server for JSP pages. It comes in default for HTTP on port 8080. If required it can be configured to use SSL connection on port 8443.

If you are using Tomcat as a standalone web server, then it is a probably a good idea to configure Tomcat to handle SSL connections. But if you are fronting Tomcat with a web server, and Tomcat serves only as a application server or a Tomcat servelet container, then its BETTER to let the web server function as a proxy for all HTTPS requests and NOT configure Tomcat for SSL.


Because in SSL connection the data is encrypted. All that encryption, decryption and handshaking are not just free. Its CPU intensive , thus slows down the transmission speed.

If another web server is used to serve the static content, Tomcat must be freed to focus on its specialty : delivering dynamic content and take data from web server as son as possible.

Following shows set of simple steps to carry out the Tomcat SSL configuration.

cd $JAVA_HOME/bin
Inside this directory is a folder named keytool which is responsible for generating a keystore file.


Then open the terminal

New keystore file is created in the home directory of the user.
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA

To specify a different location for the keystore file

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
  -keystore /path/to/my/keystore

It'll ask for some questions .

First ask to enter the password for  keystore.  The default password is 'changeit '.  Better to provide the password of your Tomcat server. 

The next important fact is for the first name and last name (first question) provide the host name of the url you are accessing the application. Certificate exception might arise otherwise.

Now keystore file is created on your machine.


Now to configure the Tomcat server file , First move to the bin folder in tomcat installation directory.

Open using an editor and  find the following line
<Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
    maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
    clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />

Modify it as follows after uncommenting
Connector SSLEnabled="true" acceptCount="100" clientAuth="false"
    disableUploadTimeout="true" enableLookups="false" maxThreads="25"
    port="8443" keystoreFile="/Users/loiane/.keystore" keystorePass="password"
    protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" scheme="https"
    secure="true" sslProtocol="TLS" />


Now access the Tomcat service as https://localhost:8443. You can access default port 8080 too on http://localhost:8080

Here You Goo....  :)


By doing the above 4 steps, you can successfully enable the secure connection. But in order to avoid some common ssl related errors you might encounter when developing applications that communicates securely this step is gonna be very USEFUL....

Import the server certificate to the trusted Java key store.

  • First download the certificate from the server.
access the url of the service from Opera browser. A certificate related warning comes. View certificate details and then export it to hard drive.
  • move to $JAVA_HOME /bin folder. Execute the following command there.

keytool -import -alias _alias_name_ -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts -file _path_to_cer_file