The Vi Editor
The vi editor is a screen editor which is available in Unix systems. It has no means, but instead uses an order of combinations of key strokes to accomplish commands. Thus it can be known as a program that can be used to create and modify files.
Starting vi
To start using vi, at the Unix prompt type vi followed by the filename
% vi filename
In this way you can either open an already existing file or create a new file. Once you press Enter, you'll be shown with blank lines with tildes and the name and status of the file
Vi Modes
Vi has two modes. Knowing the mode you are working at a given time is essential. The two modes are
Command mode
letters in the keyboard will be interpreted as commands. vi always starts out in command mode. To leave the insert mode you are in, hit ESC key
Insert mode
letters in keyboard will type or edit text. Hit i to enter this mode.
Entering Text
First change to insert mode by typing the letter i. Hit Enter at the end of each line. If you make a mistake, use Backspace key to remove the error. In case it doesn't work properly on your system, use Ctrl + h combination.
Cursor Movement
To move the cursor to another position of your file, you must be in Command mode
Basic Editing
To issue editing commands, one should be in Command mode. Uppercase, Lowercase affects for the interpretation of the command
Closing and Saving files
When we are editing a file in vi, we are actually editing a copy of the file rather than the original
The Vim Editor
Vim is designed to be used both from Command Line Interface and Graphical User Interface. The GUI mode of Vim is gvim. It has menues and toolbars for the commonly used commands. But its full functionality is achieved through the Command Line Interface.
In summary Vim can be considered as the superset of Vi. Thus everything explained in Vi is included in Vim too with some added features like :
Is compatible with much wider range of OS's than Vi.
Supportive for several programming languages like Perl, pyhton, C/C++
Scan edit files inside a compressed crchive(zip, tar, gzip etc)
Ability to edit multiple files.
Can be used to edit files using network protocols like HTTP etc.
Support scripting languages like vimscript, perl, python
Includes builtin diff for comparing files
Includes multilevel undo/redo
Emacs Editor
GNU Emacs is a free, customizable and extensible text editor. It is also portable and runs under many operating systems. The main ones are :
A especial feature of emacs is that we can not only customize all its usage like font, color, mousage, menus, windows etc, but also we can program emacs to perform totally new things. Emacs does more than a typical editor. It is designed as a programmers' editor. Some general functionalities of emacs are :
- It provides an 'edit mode' , which enables to edit the code together with the context sensitive facility
- It allows to compile the written code within emacs
- Can debug the program within emacs and provides links to the source
- Interact directly with the language interpretor when appropriate
- Interact with the revision control system
- Manage change logs
- Also provide other necessities for programming like mail readers, news readers, World Wide Web, spell checkers,FTP clients etc
How to install... ??
First download the GNU Emacs latest version which is available as a tar file. You can use the following site.
Unzip the tar file using the command
$ tar -zxvf emacs-24.5.tar.gz
Then open the uncompressed folder using the command
cd emacs-24.5
- Open the INSTALL file in it using vi editor and can follow the instructions given
Problems Encountered.......
When ./configure was run an error popped proposing the remedy as to add '--without-x'. Thus ./configure --without-x was typed
Above step in turn gave an error as libtinfo, libncurses, libterminfo, libtermcap, libcurses packages were missing and asked to install at least one of them.
When tried to install above packages warning came as unable to locate packages. After google search the below solution worked for me
sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main universe" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
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